About Me

Michigan, United States
Mother of four. Wife to a Pastor/Church Planter. Lover of life. Stay-at-home Homeschooling Mom. Loves photography, sewing, quilting and reading.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Popcorn and other randomness

I don't know why it took me so long to figure this out. Maybe because I avoid taking the children out shopping? Or thought it would cost more than $1.07? What ever the reason my be... I wish all shopping places sold popcorn. We went shopping at Target this morning.... it's a dangerous place to walk into with cash in your pocket. It was raining before we left. I was already dreading the shopping trip and the rain was just taunting me. In Oklahoma when it rains its like taking a shower. A umbrella is a must if you plan on walking more than a foot to get to your destination. Of course you know how children are. Rain is fun. Rain is exciting. Bring on the rain so we can run outside in our boots and umbrellas. So before we even made it outside the umbrellas were out. N wrecked one... he turned it inside out, good thing it was a kid one that we bought at a rummage sale. Thank goodness I told them all to put their snow boots on. As soon as we were outside, down the steps, they were walking in the puddles. It's like no one has ever told them that the "correct" way to walk is to walk in the driest spots possible. Like when we had all the snow- the best way to get to the car was to walk over all the piles of snow, not in the shoveled or plowed areas. Kids. Anyway we eventually made it to the van and in the van and to Target. Oh Target.
The first cry came from N when I tried to put him in his seat... the one facing me. You know how Target has the cool carts you can fit three kiddos in? Two seats face forward and one backward. Usually the girls sit in the two forward facing seats and N in the backwards seat. He didn't want to sit there during this trip. I made the executive decision to put him in one of the forward seats and doing so I forced one of the girls out, thinking she would be alright with sitting in the backward seat. Boy was I wrong. Well, one one girl was out the other one was too. So half the trip was spent yelling at the girls to come back into view and if they ran out of sight one more time then no bear slushies!(Target has cool slushy cups that have a polar bear on them) It didn't help that I was trying to buy stuff off a registry. I have now decided to never make registries for anything anymore. It is way to hard to shop off them.
I finally decided to buy them a bag of popcorn. Cost=$1.07 Result=Priceless. Not only did my children sit in the seats. They did not fight over where they sat, nor did they fight over the popcorn or try to get out of said seats again the whole rest of the trip. Why did I not find this out sooner.. that my kids become angles when popcorn is put in front of them? For practically a buck I can shop in peace? Now I only wish that it wasn't only Target who had popcorn. Maybe Target knows that I can't walk out without spending my life savings.

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