About Me

Michigan, United States
Mother of four. Wife to a Pastor/Church Planter. Lover of life. Stay-at-home Homeschooling Mom. Loves photography, sewing, quilting and reading.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Puke, Headaches and Not Enough Sleep

I have closed the store for the past three nights in a row. Came home at 12:30 am the first night, 1:00 am the second night and was positive I would be home by 11:30 or earlier last night, but I didn't know the dishwasher was that slow. I came home at 11:50 pm. I was excited to get in bed close to midnight, excited about sleeping. I learned shortly after I arrived home that L had puked a half hour earlier. Hoping it was just a one time thing I climbed into bed. Before I could drift off to sleep she was crying. It wasn't a one time thing. She wanted to take a bath, I cleaned the bathtub out of the previously puked on clothes(I guess not everything had fit into the washer) and gave her a quick bath. I decided to move her into our room so she would be closer to us if she did it again so I blew up a small sleeping bag and mattress that the girls have, not knowing that it made an annoying squeaky sound when she rolled over. She puked one more time during the night, had two episodes of dirty undies due to diarrhea during the night. Spilled her cup of water I had given her and had to move to sleeping on a comforter on the floor. So my must needed sleep did not happen.
Fast forward to this morning I was trying to sleep in a little, after changing the boy's diaper and giving him his cup of milk I gave the girls permission to put on movie and layed back in bed, again before drifting asleep I heard the dreaded "N threw up all over the living room!". Great. Cleaned it up, made breakfast for myself, gave N some toast because he wanted food. Puke again. Bad idea. After that he was demanding more food, and cups of juice and milk but I refuse to give him anything more than water. Poor guy. I hope M doesn't get it too but we all know she is probably next. All I want is sleep but should I even attempt it?

Friday, March 25, 2011


Lots of things are beginning to change around here. We are getting close to the month count-down of our moving date. We are closing on our house April 18. I cannot wait to get up there and start projects before it's too hot! As far as we know there is no working air-conditioning in the house. I am praying for a mildly warm summer. Although we have been used to 100 degree summers for the past four years. Hot is hot. Plus we've have air-conditioning. There is a unit on the house, but we are assuming it doesn't work. But I could live with it not being any warmer than 75 or 80 degrees. I've always wanted a house that I can paint. I'm tired of these white-walls.
I am no longer serving at work. Will, I have one more night I'm scheduled as a server. Tonight I started training to close as a manager. I will be doing that 3-4 times a week until we move. I train tonight, Saturday and Sunday night. I have a serving shift on Tuesday night and then close BY MYSELF on Wednesday night. I'm not sure how this will effect my energy levels. For some reason I cannot sleep past 8a.m. I hope that changes. Most likely I will be getting in sometime between midnight and 2a.m., depending on the night. I'm excited to NOT be serving anymore, it was becoming difficult and I can hardly fit into the pants I was wearing as part of my uniform. I bought two new dress shirts to wear.
I am evaluating our homeschool curriculum. There is a convention in Oklahoma City at the end of April that I plan on attending. I am trying to figure out what we will be using for next year. Most likely we will need to school until July to make up for missed days, take a month off in August and start back up in September. It will be an exciting summer leading up to an exciting coming year.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hands Down

Sorry all you parents out there.
Hands Down.
I have the cutest kids.
My boy is the cutest boy ever.
My girls are cute with or without their crazy hair done. But after I put L's hair in braids, Laura Ingalls style, of course and M's crazy thick hair pulled back into a pony-tail, they are so stinkin' adorable(did God give me girls so I could learn how to style hair?)
My next child will be just as cute if not cuter. My one wish is to have a brown hair child. I had brown hair when I was younger. Can I not have one just like me? Maybe even the next two? I know that eventually all of my blond haired children will have brown hair. That is just what seems to happen in our families.
But a cute little brown haired child from the get-go?
Would that not just add to the cuteness?
I think it just might.
I know I should pray for a healthy child.. but can I add some brown hair in that prayer?

The House

We close on our first house April 18, less than a month away. I can't wait to get inside and paint it! I've always wanted a house of my own that I can paint whatever color I like. After living in apartment after apartment for almost 7 years now(since we've been married), and living with white or cream colored walls surrounding me, I'm excited to get some more color in my living space. We really made out great. The house has six bedrooms, two living spaces, three bathrooms, a decent sized kitchen and dining room, laundry room and laundry chute. Oh, and a one car garage and a good sized back yard.
I'm excited, J's excited and the children are excited.
Our parents are excited about getting rid of the furniture in their houses(I don't know how I feel about that).

Front of House(when we move and there is no snow I will take some better pictures)

Back of house. The door on the left takes you into the dining room/kitchen area.

Upstairs living room. You can see the stairs to the front door and first floor.

Kitchen. Downstairs.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Big Announcement

Here it goes... I'M PREGNANT!
Yep.. we are adding one more to our house of five, we are becoming a family of six. This little baby inside me is 18 weeks old. I found out in early December and because of past events, decided to keep this little one a secret. We had an ultrasound today and found out if this little one is a girl or a boy and received a pretty clear picture. But you will have to wait until August to find out that one. I'm determined to keep it a secret that long. But my lovely 4 year old and 5 year old might let it out if they figure out what I am "having" before that.
If you want to follow my baby blog http://creatingmoreclarity.blogspot.com/

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Our Deepest Fear by Marianne Williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light,
not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves,
Who am I to be brilliant,
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine,
as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God
that is within us.
It's not just in some of us;
it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

Friday, March 4, 2011

My Men

I cut J's hair off last night. It was a sad moment. We have been growing it out for months and when I say "we" I really mean that I was refusing to cut it all off, just little trims here and there and J was going along with me because he loves me. I love his long hair. I wish he had it long all the time. I have been his official hair cutter ever since we were married almost 7 years ago. Between then and now you could count the number of time he has not had his hair cut by me with his fingers. And we all know that men who have short hair need a hair cut every two months or so. That is a lot of money saved. It justifies me getting a $70 hair cut every once in awhile. I actually need one right now.So we and I mean me, cut all his hair off. It was a longer than normal process because the clipper was not working properly with that much hair so I had to trim it first and then clip. But finally we finished and here is the finished project.... My Men J and N.

Here is another one. N is doing his "say cheese" face and J is too.

Here is N. He climbed onto the second shelf on the bookshelf.

N being cute.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hanging On

Hanging On
by Britt Nicole

You see my anxious heart
You see what I am feeling
And when I fall apart
You are there to hold me
How great Your love for me
Now I see what You're thinking
You say I'm beautiful
Your voice is my healing

Without You I just can't get by
So I'm

Hanging on to every word You speak
'Cause it's all that I need
Hanging on to every word You say
To light up my way
Even every little whisper I'm
Hanging on as if it were my life
I'm hanging on

And when the darkness falls
I can't see what's before me
Your voice is like the dawn
Always there to guide me

Sometimes you need someone else to give you words to describe what you are feeling....