About Me

Michigan, United States
Mother of four. Wife to a Pastor/Church Planter. Lover of life. Stay-at-home Homeschooling Mom. Loves photography, sewing, quilting and reading.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Moving Out

I just read the Facebook post of a mother of a 3 month old baby. She said she moved her baby out of their room and into her crib in her own room the other night. Although it is something I've done in the past I could not even imagine doing it now. Z is going on 6 months and the thought hasn't crossed my mind.
We moved our oldest, M, out of our room at 3 months. She was formula fed, slept through the nights and the girl was incredibly active. I'm sure I thought she would pull herself out of her pack n play bassinet soon. So she was moved out.
L, our second, was probably moved out before 6 months of age. I breastfed her for only two months. I think we waited a little longer because I was putting her in the same room as M and was afraid they would wake each other up.
N, baby number three, slept in our bed... I mean our room, for his first year of life. In all honestly he hardly goes a night without paying us a visit. We have an extremely comfy bed. I don't blame him.
Anyways, he was breastfed until maybe 9 months. I started work and the milk started to not be there. He was transitioned from his bassinet to his crib in our room. We were blessed to have the space in our room. I know some families don't. I almost didn't think twice about leaving him in with us. He was still waking up in the middle of the night and I always laid down to nurse him. To imagine getting up and going to get him in another room so I could bring him into our bed to nurse him and then to get up and go to another room to lay him back down to sleep. It sounded like a lot of walking. He would have spent half the night in our bed with us- oh wait, he did that anyway!
I am not trying to put anyone down for their life choices. I just couldn't imagine doing it now and regret doing it before. Regret? Yep. I said it. There are many benefits to room sharing, co-sleeping and even bed-sharing.
When M was little, J worked night shift, her bedroom was on the other end of the apartment. I had the monitor on when we slept at night but sometimes I would go the whole night without hearing a peep from her. I could not bring myself to go check on her before J go home in the morning. I feared there would be a dead baby. Room sharing prevents that from happening. I am totally aware of my sleeping babies breathing. There are actual studies that show that co-sleeping reduces the chances of SIDS. Most importantly, babies need us. They need to be close to us. Eventually they sleep in their own beds in their own rooms. It really is not a big deal to have them spend their life as a baby in your bed or your room close to you.
Like I said, Z is almost 6 months old and the only thing I've thought of doing is transitioning her into a crib just because she is almost at the pulling-herself-up or sitting-up-on-her-own stage. The crib would of course be in our room.
So.. how about you? When did your babies move out?