About Me

Michigan, United States
Mother of four. Wife to a Pastor/Church Planter. Lover of life. Stay-at-home Homeschooling Mom. Loves photography, sewing, quilting and reading.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


October is my favorite month... for many reasons.
Fall, my favorite season, is in full bloom. The leaves are changing colors. The morning air is nice and crisp. Apple cider. Pumpkins.
Ocotber reminds me of the Tulsa State Fair and trips to Eureka Springs, Arkansas. My Birthday and some of my besties' birthdays.
It is a wonderful month.
This month is also marked with fresh heartache. My forth child was lost this month, just a year ago, on the third(which is also my nephew's birthday).
I remember it like yesterday. The night before I was working, it was a busy night, I closed and my first clue to something being amiss was that I made it through without needing to eat something. The next morning I awoke to cramping and blood and that was the beginning of the worst couple days/week of my life.
But isn't that life? That joys and heartaches come together?