I cut J's hair off last night. It was a sad moment. We have been growing it out for months and when I say "we" I really mean that I was refusing to cut it all off, just little trims here and there and J was going along with me because he loves me. I love his long hair. I wish he had it long all the time. I have been his official hair cutter ever since we were married almost 7 years ago. Between then and now you could count the number of time he has not had his hair cut by me with his fingers. And we all know that men who have short hair need a hair cut every two months or so. That is a lot of money saved. It justifies me getting a $70 hair cut every once in awhile. I actually need one right now.So we and I mean me, cut all his hair off. It was a longer than normal process because the clipper was not working properly with that much hair so I had to trim it first and then clip. But finally we finished and here is the finished project.... My Men J and N.

Here is another one. N is doing his "say cheese" face and J is too.
Here is N. He climbed onto the second shelf on the bookshelf.
N being cute.
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