About Me

Michigan, United States
Mother of four. Wife to a Pastor/Church Planter. Lover of life. Stay-at-home Homeschooling Mom. Loves photography, sewing, quilting and reading.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life Happenings...

Have you ever felt that for once everything is falling into place? Or had a secret that you are dying to tell the world but at the same time are loving that you have a secret and for some weird insane reason you want to keep the secret for... for.. forever, that is if you could keep it forever? Or heard your child say something crazily cute and thought, "I'm going to post that on Facebook or my blog" and then after all of life happenings between the cute comment and the point in your life when you sit down in front of your computer you have surprisingly forgotten the crazily cute comment that your child said?

The facts are that we are moving. Which in one respect makes me extremely happy and in another- extremely sad. It seems like we have a house. Although we have not closed on it yet. The optimistic side of me says "Be happy.. jump with joy" and the pessimistic side says, "It is technically not yours. Don't get too excited. Something might fall through and then you will be very disappointed" So the optimistic side is looking at paint samples and pictures of the house and planning what room I'm going to paint what color. Dreaming Dreaming Dreaming And the pessimistic side..... will you can imagine what that is telling me. The pessimistic side is waiting until we close before it gets excited. I'm happy that we might have a house. I'm happy that we will be closer to some of our friends and our families. I'm sad that we will be leaving some of our very, very close friends(who I consider family) here. I'm sad that I'll be leaving my work, a place where I find sanctuary in some respects. A place where I find my sanity after being home with my lovely children all day. I'm not sure what I will do without it. It will be greatly missed. So every time I think about moving I am happy and sad.

My secret. Well, that is mine to keep and mine to share and although I really, really, want to tell you. I really, really want to see how long I can keep it a secret. So for now... you can't know. Unless I tell you personally. ;-)

And the crazily cute comment. I still don't remember what was sad. The joys of motherhood.

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