My Mother's Day started off at 5:00a.m., not because any of my children woke me up but because I had to be at work at 6:30a.m. I didn't mind working on Mother's Day. I actually don't mind working any of the holidays. The money is 100% worth it. I was at work from 6:30-3:30.
When I arrived home I was welcomed at the door by my two little girls yelling "Happy Mother's Day!" at the top of their lungs. Right away they started telling me to come into the living room and to "close my eyes". I did what I was told. Taped to the top of our entertainment center were three signs declaring "Happy Mother's Day". Above those were a piggy bank in the shape of a fish, a digital picture frame and a Starbucks gift card. The frame was scrolling through pictures of my children and I and pictures of the children holding the "Happy Mother's Day" signs. I also learned that I had a ice cream pie in the freezer.
My husband then cooked me up some food and told me a little about their day. I knew that they had to go into at least two stores.(a fact that was confirmed later). So on top of going shopping for all my gifts they had put away all the laundry, fixed a problem we were having with our television, wrote "Happy Mother's Day" signs, took pictures of the children with the signs, transferred the pictures to the frame, and reloaded my Starbucks gift card. Whew! All in less than 9 hours( I am pretty sure they all didn't jump out of bed when I left for work at 6:00a.m.) I am utterly in awe.
I then threw in a movie to watch otherwise I am sure I would have passed out. I was so exhausted from working. Jake volunteered to go out and get me a Dark Cherry Frappuccino from Starbucks. While he was gone we ate some of the pie.
Then, only a few minutes after he arrived home, I received a text message from K asking if we wanted to bring the children over so that we could go out. My response: "Are you serious?" It was 8:00p.m., the girls were in their p.j.s already, I was about ready to put them all in bed. But I have learned to never, ever, pass up a free date. So we found a movie to go to, dropped the children off and went out. We saw the movie "Babies" so very cute!
That was the end to my Mother's Day, which was the best Mother's Day I have had.