About Me

Michigan, United States
Mother of four. Wife to a Pastor/Church Planter. Lover of life. Stay-at-home Homeschooling Mom. Loves photography, sewing, quilting and reading.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Irish Twins

I really can't pass up the chance to blog about my Irish twins during the three weeks out of the year that they are the same age. My daughters are 11 months 1 week apart in age. When I became pregnant with my second daughter my oldest daughter was only a few months old. If she had been born on her due date they would have been one week under being exactly one year apart but she came two weeks early. It was an exciting time in our life, I remember my oldest's One Year Birthday Party with her two week old baby sister. Both of them don't remember anytime without the other. They are almost /or as close as twins. Sometimes they call each other their twin.
I first heard of Irish twins when I was in high school. I believe "true" Irish twins are siblings born in the same calendar year. Some people count those born within 12 months of each other and some stretch it out to within 18 months of each other. Some people have Irish triplets, three children born under three years of each other(whew! that would be exhausting). I've always wondered what would be harder, Irish twins or real twins. I want to find someone who has had experience with both so I can ask them. Or someday have twins myself so I will know.
So was it/or is it hard having two children so close in age?
I think it's difficult having children so close together. In a lot of ways it's like having two babies at the same time. I think I might "roll with the punches" a lot easier then some. I never thought of it being really difficult. The first year was the hardest and it has become progressively easier ever since. Now, if I just had the two if them, my life would be "a piece of cake" but how healthy is cake? They add so much joy to my life and so does their two year old brother, who could imagine life without him?
We had the opportunity to take just the two girls with us to a wedding this past weekend and it was so very nice to have just the two of them. I love them so much. My little Irish twins, my girls(I never ever wanted a daughter and now have found myself blessed so much with them/by them, I could not imagine life without daughters). Being a mother of daughters has opened my eyes to a lot of things. I feel like girls need to be loved, encouraged, supported.. not that boys don't, but it is just different. Maybe you understand if you have both boys and girls. I don't think I realized it so much until this pregnancy. I feel like, for some reason that I don't know, I've been entrusted with daughters. Even though I always wanted a house full of boys, God knew that I needed daughters. They have changed me in ways I cannot explain. I find myself needing to be gentler, more caring, more understanding. They make me think my life. Am I a good example of what a women is/should be? Girls need to be cuddled, protected, they need to feel love from their family so that later they won't try to find it somewhere else and then be hurt. I love, love, love my girls.
Outsiders see them and think they are twins because they think they look so much alike. And yes, if you look at their hair color, height and eye color they do "look" like each other. But in their facial features, body structure and personality they are totally, completely different. M is our social butterfly while L is our wallflower, although they cannot be defined by only that. If you really know M then you would know that at times she is shy. She is thoughtful, caring, a born leader, able to talk and relate to anyone. She is strong, athletic, a risk taker, and smarter than what she should be. She is a go-get er, a self motivator and loves to be busy. She wants to be on the go, doing everything she can possibly do in a day.
L has two personalities. She can be crazy and wild. Her smile is contagious. She is funny, a clown, entertaining. But also ultra sensitive. Doesn't like anyone laughing at her even if it is because we find her funny because she is so adorable. She take everything seriously. She can switch personalities at a drop of a coin and be withdrawn and upset. You really need to be careful what you say and do around her. Even though she jokes, she doesn't like your jokes. She also is very caring and loving and loves to be loved and have one-on-one attention.
Tomorrow is the end of their "Irish twin weeks", my oldest baby turns 6.
Can you believe that?
I have a hard time handling it.

M is maybe 8 months old in this and I am 5 months pregnant?

M and L's first picture together.

A few days after L was born.

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