About Me

Michigan, United States
Mother of four. Wife to a Pastor/Church Planter. Lover of life. Stay-at-home Homeschooling Mom. Loves photography, sewing, quilting and reading.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day by Day

Little N is in the process of taking a nap, he has successfully brought all of his lovey items into my room, naming each one as he brings it. I am 100% exhausted and should be napping but my nap keeps on being interrupted by screaming girls and N, who has decided that he should not nap. So maybe N will fall asleep in my bed next to me, while I blog, order curriculum for next year and upload pictures to Snapfish all things that are on my to-do list for today.We just arrived home last night after a week in Mt. Pleasant. We were there attending Vacation Bible School at our home church, New Life Christian Fellowship. Well, the children were attending, I was volunteered to be a crew leader for the week, and J helped out when he was there(he spend a couple days in BR doing his weekly volunteer work). We stayed at our friend's home, they also have three children. The week was anything but relaxing but lots of fun. It was nice to stay at our friend's house and the children had a good time playing with each other. Vacation Bible School was fun but exhausting and we(us moms) are planning out ways to not "volunteer" next year. We need good excuses, let us know if you have any. It would be nice to drop all the kids off and run away for 3 hours, every day, for a week. Maybe we can get the men to volunteer? Maybe.
Today I think I have done 8 loads of laundry. I am in the process of de-Easterizing my living/dining room. The previous home owners stenciled tulips on the wall, have blue, pink and yellow stripped wall paper and curtains to match. I've taken down the curtains, leaving plain white ones and am thinking of painting over the tulips sometime this week. Easter is not my favorite holiday and I'm tired of constantly being reminded of it.
I need to decorate my walls and have decided to print some of my favorite Artsy photos to hang up. I have a few in mind and want to order some this next week. Hence the uploading to Snapfish that I mentioned earlier.
I am 33 weeks pregnant and have decided to deliver the baby on July 28. That way his/her birthday will be 7-28-11. My birthday is on the 28th of October so that should be easy to remember and 7-11 is easy to remember too. I need something easy, this is my forth child and I already cannot remember my age.
Talking about photography(we were talking about that right). J has decided that I need a name for my photography adventures. Well, I really need something a can paste across my photos so no one can steal them. He thinks we should go along with my whole clarity theme and name it Clarity Photography. He is in the process of making a logo for it. I like Clarity Studios or Clarity Photography Studios. But I don't have a studio. So can I add that? I don't even take photos for anyone else right now. Anyway, let me know what you think.

This is my Easter themed dining/living room.

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